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Beginner's Yoga

In the beginning .......

Sometimes it seems daunting to begin something new, however, if we were to be held back from trying something new imagine how many wonderful experiences we would miss in life.

Yoga is one of these experiences, it is personal, and it is unique to each person.

Yoga is not about tying yourself up in knots, Yoga is about learning to understand your body in many different ways and to create a space and time where you can explore your body and mind.

During the yoga practice we take the time to inquire with a curious, yet gentle loving awareness, allowing ourselves the time to really feel and tune into our own body, mind & spirit.

I can recall my first yoga class, ( many years back ) lying on the floor, asking myself

1 "Am I lying straight enough" ?

2 "Am I lying still enough" ?

3 "What if I can't do this" ?

4 "What will the other people be thinking about" ?

5 "What am I supposed to be thinking about" ?

Well the answers to those questions are,

1 "Yes"

2 "Yes"

3 "Who cares"

4 "Who knows"

5 "Anything, Nothing, Everything !

Honestly, none of it matters, What does matter is you take a chance,

you jump out of your comfort zone, and have a go !

Your body and mind will thank you for taking the chance.

Yoga is different to each of us, Its a practice of awareness, acceptance, allowing, learning, trying, doing, being.

Just as no two people are the same, no two yoga practices are the same.

That is the beauty of Yoga. The unique spin you put on your "own" practice.

Yoga is an opportunity to be in the moment, to learn, to understand, to grow, to explore, to balance, to relax, to release stress, to restore, to energise, to calm.

When you begin Yoga go gently with yourself, allow yourself time to get to know the instructor, the class, the space you are practicing in.

Remember Rome wasn't built in a day.

Throughout life we are all beginners at some point in time.

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